pretty good game ngl
pretty good game ngl
This game is pretty good but it does have some cons
the controls feel both tight and slippery, this is to be expected since it's a snow game but when ever I jump on something i feel like I would fall off
Some platforms mainly the ones that go up and down are pretty slow while the platforms that break when u touch them go to fast
whenever u get hit u get little to no time to recover since u most likley got hit in a pit and is now powerless as u try to get away as u keep taking damage
For Pros the artstyle is nice, I like the addition of NG character (tho I hope I see Riddle School in it) and this gives me Mission in SnowdriftLand vibes
Seeing how this game also fixes some bugs I hope that they do change a few things like the platforms going a bit faster and the platforms that break a bit slower
I can see speedrunners having a blast with this espeicly with the belly slide mechanic
it's fine, was a bit short tho
it's fine for a rhythm game
really good, just wished that outside had a main theme of music considering all the rooms have music but other then that great job!
this could have all been avoided if he just chose to use the urinals
love it!, just wish that it was longer
tf is wrong w/ u
why do people give this garbage a good rating?
It just encores the creator to keep making garbage instead of trying to improve
game is great! If I were to say anything bad about this is that it is really easy to get stuck somewhere and forced to restart the level
But that isn't too bad so overall good game
Hello Everybody my name is Maher.M
Joined on 9/21/20